Yesterday’s Be a Better Me (You) Challenge-Day 6~Try Something New
was not a hard challenge because I like to try new things. I welcome change. But I did something out of my comfort zone. I tried an entirely different nightly routine.Normally, I either blog or work after the girls go to bed. This in turn leads to me staying up pretty late. Last night, due to my Mac going on the fritz, rather than hop on my laptop, I chose to unplug last night. At first , I will admit I wasn’t happy about it. I’m sort of addicted to being plugged in and I felt a little like I was smothering. But I powered through and went to bed by 10pm.I went to bed and my brain shut right down and I fell right to sleep. This led to me feeling much more rested and like I could actually think this morning. I may try doing this at least once a week from now on.What new thing did you try?
Today’s Be a Better Me (You) Challenge -Day 7~ Make yourself a priority.
I know many of us never even make it onto our own to do list. I know I never do. For example here’s my list for today:
6:20 am: Wake the girls up
Gthe girls breakfast
Get girls dressed
Take girls to school
Go to Target and pick up some shoes for Bella
Go to the grocery store
Do laundry,dishes, vaccuum,change linens, mop, put away laundry,unpack from traveling over weekend
Pack lunch for girls
Pick Bella up from school
Eat lunch in car in 30 minutes of free time before Gabs’ ballet class starts
Gabs ballet
Take girls home
Take girls outside to play for 30 minutes
Make girls lay down for rest time /Write today’s Be a Better Me Challenge
Get Bella dressed for Ballet
Take Bella to ballet
Run more errands with Gabs
Pick Bella up from ballet
Go home
Eat dinner
Give girls a bath/brush hair/brush teeth
6 pm:Get girls down for bed
6:00-10:00 pm work
You see my schedule is insane, especially on Tuesdays. The worst part, I am no where to be found on that damn list, unless you count the maid, taxi, and chef services I provide.Tonight, I am putting me on my priority list. Tonight, after the girls go to bed, I am working out and then I am taking a long hot shower with no interruptions! I’m going to start scheduling myself some time in every day. I deserve to be a priority on my to do list. I have wants and needs and they are as importat as everyone elses. So are yours! What do you want or need to get done that keeps getting pushed to the backburner because everyone else always comes first? Well, next time you do your to do list write it on the list. Block the time out and make it happen.How can we feel important and special in our own lives if we NEVER take the time to meet our own needs?We cant and its a vicious cycle, the longer you do it , the more you get used to it; the more your family and friends get used to it,and soon no one expects you to want/need anything. Then you are like a very quiet, well behaved servant. You are a woman…let them hear you roar! Make yourslef a priority. If you don’t; nobody else will!
Now link up and share how you made yourself a priority today? What do you want to do? When are you scheduling it in? How are you making it happen? Link up if you are posting a response to the challenge only; all other link ups will be deleted.
this is a challenge for me–always has been, but i'm getting better. i feel so great when i head to bed a bit early, sit down and read by myself and anytime i can get outside in the fresh air. yesterday i did all three. pinch me. 🙂 get yourself on that list. your girls' mama deserves it!!!!
my schedule is very similar…and I have teenagers…I am loving your blog and am off to explore….stopping by from FMBT and am your newest follower…so glad i found your blog!
Tomorrow I'm going for a massage and a pedicure – this may be the only challenge I'm on top of!!